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23 years old
Scottsdale, Chicago, California
I think it's safe to say Im always UNDER CONSTRUCTION
I view it positiveLy
i'm ShOrT & SwEeT with dangerous curves.
I am Professional, open~minded, quirky, random, spontaneous, and determined. i have a certain unexpLainabLe magnetism
i am Looking for more exposure
i have FABULOUS ((reaL)) hair, and wouLd uLtimateLy Like to utiLize it
i am aLways toggLing with THAT Line --the fine Line that exists between everything
Bottom line. I am unique, and most~definitely one of a kind
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I tend to leave everyone JONESING for more...
*find out for yourseLf..
**OH! one more thing. I DO NOT WANT TO DATE YOU. I DONT MiX BUSiNESS WiTH PLEASURE. I DONT fcuk my weedman. I wont fcuk you either
..unLess ur a hot girL
I am very skiLLed @ doing my own hair/make-up ...
I LOVE to traveL ..
if expenses are covered ..
**due to the economic recession, i cannot accept TF* @ this time..unLess it wiLL be most beneficiaL to my port and/or a phenomenaL tearsheet can be provided...or
~*~*TF/PT*~*~ {{time for paid traveL}}
my rates are negotiabLe by content and shoot Length.
pLease emaiL me: just.jones@hotmail.com
**i have a 50% payment canceLLation poLicy for any canceLLations that take pLace within 24 hours prior to the scheduLed shoot. this is my fuLL-time job.
thanks so much for your understanding